Registration Information
Your first interaction with the registrar will likely be when you register for classes. Registration is online process that students complete via GoldLink. The goal of this office is to provide support and online resources to help students navigate the registration process and successfully register for classes.
Registration Dates and Times
Registration times are based off your earned credit hours. Check your Registration Status on GoldLink (Student page), to find your first available registration time. Note: This does not include the hours in which you are currently enrolled or in progress hours on Degree Works.
When Does Registration Occur?
- Registration for Spring semesters occurs in November of the previous year.
- Registration for Summer and Fall semesters occurs in April of the same year.
Before Registering
Currently Enrolled Students:
- Meet with Your Academic Advisor - Contact your academic advisor prior to your registration date for assistance in class selection and to verify your Program of Study. Please visit the Advisor Contact List.
- Check Registration Status - Access your Registration Status in GoldLink to view your first available registration time, hours earned, and academic status.
- Check Holds - Not all holds prevent registration. Please contact the appropriate office to resolve and holds you have. Please visit the Student Hold Resolution Information.
New or Transfer Students:
- Attend New Student Orientation - Attend an orientation where you will be advised and register for classes at that time. Please visit the New Student Orientation page.
Registering for Classes
- Login to GoldLink
- Navigate to the Student page, then click on the Registration Tools Panel.
- LAUNCH Schedule Builder to build your ideal schedule. Please visit the Schedule Builder page for
instructions. - After you have built a potential schedule, click "Send to Shopping Cart" and leave
there until your First
Available Registration Time begins. - Once your first available registration time begins, you will need to revisit Schedule
Builder, confirm
your class schedule once more, and send your final selections to the Schedule Builder Registration
Cart. - Click the "Register" button to complete the registration process. If NO registration
add errors occur,
you courses will dispaly under the Current Schedule. NOTE: If you need to make any adjusts, revisit the Add or Drop Classes page until you finalize your schedule. - To make sure you are registered for the correct classes, review your "Concise Student
Schedule" on
the Student page.
Confirming Registration
- As a final step, you are required to confirm registration every semester you attend. After registering for classes, students must confirm through GoldLink. Please visit the Confirmation Instructions page for information on the confirmation process.
Before You Attend Class
- Reprint and Review your Concise Student Schedule on GoldLink prior to the first day of classes. Often times, building and room numbers are revised before classes begin.
Additional Registration Information
How do I Look Up Classes?
You can use the interactive course search tool that will allow you to search classes by selecting a term. Please visit the Dynamic Schedule page.
How do I Add or Drop Classes?
The most efficient way to make adjustments to your schedule is by using the Add or Drop Classes option on GoldLink.
How do I Add or Drop Classes during the period schedule changes are allowed?
Please follow the steps below to adjust your schedule within.
- Login to GoldLink
- Select Student Page
- Under Registration Tools drop down, click on the Add or Drop Classes link
- Select a Term, click "Submit"
Add a Course
- Type in the 5 digit CRN (ex.15348) in the boxes at the bottom of the screen, and click "Submit Changes"
Drop a Course
- Under your Current Schedule, select the drop down beside the course you would like to drop, and click "Submit Changes"
Switch Sections (Drop and Add Sections Simultaneously)
- First, Under your Current Schedule, select the drop down beside the course you would like to drop
- Second, Type in the 5 digit CRN (ex.15328) in the boxes at the bottom of the screen
- Third, and click "Submit Changes"
How do I Add or Drop Classes after schedule changes are closed (Last Day to Add/Drop)?
- Students must submit an official Late Add or Drop form to the Office of the Registrar. Please visit the Office of the Registrar-Forms Page, select Course/Registration/Changes, and click the appropriate form.
What is the difference in Dropping/Late Dropping or Withdrawing?
- Dropping a Course (or courses) may occur during the first eight weeks of the semester. This means, however, that the student is still enrolled in other course work. (Learning Support Classes cannot be dropped.)
- Late Dropping of a course may occur after the eighth week, but only when verifiable extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated. Verifiable extenuating circumstances must be reasons beyond the control of the student, such as illness or accidental injury. Poor performance in class is not an extenuating circumstance.
- Withdrawing from the university means that you are discontinuing all your course work, and are no longer enrolled. This may occur until two days before the last day of classes.
How does a "W" (Withdrawal) affect my Grade?
Receiving a "W" grade for a course does not affect your GPA. Contact Financial Aid or the appropriate office before dropping any classes. However; dropping classes may reduce or eliminate your eligibility for Lottery Scholarships or other financial aid, housing, Graduate Assistantships, athletic eligibility, Veteran benefits or tuition scholarships, etc. -
Permit Questions?
How do I get a permit for a class?
- Please contact the academic department in which the course(s) reside for assistance in this matter. Use the ETSU search page to find the subject's department.
Where are permits for my classes?
- Please view your permits under Registration Status on GoldLink.
Registration Errors (Common)
Registration error messages may appear on the Add or Drop Classes screen. Below is a compilation of the most common error messages and their solution.
Common Registration Errors and How to Resolve:
Error Message Description Who To Contact To Resolve ACADEMIC STANDING PROHIBITS REGISTRATION The most common reason for this message is a suspension. Contact the Records Office or by phone, (423) 439-4230. CLOSED SECTION Section enrolled at capacity.
Contact the department to request a "Capacity" permit.
If the department issues a permit, you will need to manually add this section to your schedule. Select Add or Drop Classes on GoldLink (Student page), manually type the 5 digit CRN (ex.12345) in the boxes at the bottom of the screen and click Submit Changes.
CO-REQUISITE ERROR Section has a co-requisite with another course. You must add CRN for both courses simultaneously.
Select Add or Drop Classes on GoldLink (Student page), manually type 5 digit CRN (ex.12345) for both courses in the boxes at the bottom of the screen and click Submit Changes.
CRN DOES NOT EXIST The CRN entered is invalid. Check the CRN and re-enter correctly. If error still displays, the course no longer valid for the term. DUPLICATE CRN You are currently registered in this course. Choose another course. LEVEL RESTRICTION Section restricted to only students admitted to programs at a certain degree level. Contact the Graduate School or by phone, (423) 439-4221. MAXIMUM HOURS EXCEEDED Maximum hours exceeded.
Undergraduate students are limited to 19 hours.
Graduate students are limited to 15 hours.
Contact your academic advisor for overload permission.
If approved, your college will send an email to the Registrar's office requesting an increase in your hours permitted to enroll. This will adjust your registration record so that you may register for the additional hours on GoldLink.
PRE-REQUISITE and TEST SCORE-ERROR Pre-requisite Required. The system has no record of your having taken this course's required pre-requisite or having tested out of the pre-requisite. Check CRN for requirement. If you do not meet the stated pre-requisite, you must complete the pre-requisite before taking this course
If you believe that you have transfer credit that should clear the pre-requisite, then contact the department or advisor to request a "Pre-Requisite" permit.
REGISTRATION CHANGES ARE NOT ALLOWED. COURSE STATUS DATES NOT WITHIN RANGE FOR PART OF TERM You are not permitted to add or drop on GoldLink at this time. Submit the add or drop form to the Registration Office with "approved signatures" if after the last day to make changes on GoldLink for the part of term.
Please visit the Office of the Registrar-Forms Page. Under Student Forms, select the Late Add Form.
REPEAT GRADE RESTRICTION You have earned a (B- or Better) in this course previously. Permission from your advisor and the Provost (or designee) must be obtained in order to repeat. Please visit the Office of the Registrar-Forms Page. Under Student Forms, select the Undergraduate Repeat Form.
If approved, the form must be submitted to the Registration Office in (Burgin E. Dossett Hall, Room 102) for processing.
SPECIAL APPROVAL This course or section will require special authorization to be dropped or changed.(ex. Learning Support) Contact the University Advisement Center, or by phone, (423) 439-5244. STUDENT STATUS PROHIBITS REGISTRATION Your student status does not allow registration. Contact the Admissions Office to reenroll.
(Undergraduate) contact the Office of Admissions, or by phone, (423) 439-4213.
(Graduate) contact the Graduate School or by phone, (423) 439-4221.
TIME CONFLICT Section conflicts with another course already on your schedule. Choose a different CRN or contact the instructors of the courses to request a "Time" conflict permit.
If the department issues a permit, you will need to manually add this section to your schedule. Select Add or Drop Classes on GoldLink (Student page), manually type the 5 digit CRN (ex.12345) in the boxes at the bottom of the screen and click Submit Changes.
YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO REGISTER AT THIS TIME Your Registration Window for this term has not opened yet. Review your Registration Status in GoldLink. -
Register for Classes using the GoldLink Video Tutorial
Please visit the Registering for Classes at ETSU Video Tutorial.
Registration Holds
NOTE: Not all holds prevent registration or grades. Please visit the Student Hold Resolution Information page.
Self-Service Banner (SSB)
Whether you're a current or prospective student, an employee or alum, Self-Service Banner (SSB) is your entryway to ETSU's online services. Please visit the Self-Service Banner page.
I have not been here in a long time. Do I still have a Self-Service Banner (SSB) account? What is my Self-Service Banner (SSB) E#?
- If you attended ETSU before 1991, you do not have a Self-Service Banner (SSB) account. If you attended after 1991, please visit the Self-Service Banner page. Login for Self-Service Banner Access using your E# and you 6 digit birth date (MM-DD-YY) as the pin. Follow the instructions to navigate through the system.
What is my Self-Service Banner (SSB) PIN Number?
- It is initially defaulted as your 6-digit date of birth. After logging in, you will be prompted to change your pin to another 6-digit number.
How do I change my Self-Service Banner (SSB) PIN after I am logged in?
If you are able to login, you can change your PIN on by following these steps:
- Click on "Log in for Self-Service Banner Access"
- Enter and submit login information
- Click on "Personal Information"
- Click on "Change PIN"
- Follow instructions to complete PIN change.
How do I reset my Self-Service Banner (SSB) PIN if I am locked out?
- Contact the Registration Helpline at 423-439-5584
Have Additional Questions or Need Assistance?
Registration Helpline
Registration Office
- 423-439-5584
- Burgin Dossett Hall, Room 102